11 Reasons Why Your Organization Should Post Family Friendly Events To The KidsOutAndAbout Calendars! | Kids Out and About Denver

11 Reasons Why Your Organization Should Post Family Friendly Events To The KidsOutAndAbout Calendars!

Why you should post your events to the KidsOutAndAbout calendar:

1.   It’s always free

2.   We actually have three calendars: one for events/activities, one for classes and one just for camps

3.   It’s just for family-friendly events, so our calendar is the go-to resource for families!

4.   Your event won’t fall through the cracks; it will be seen by thousands  

5.   If it’s on our radar we can promote it via social media, our weekly e-newsletter and on our home page

6.   Broaden your reach: our audience is the entire region

7.   The site’s template is very easy to use  

8.   Your event listing can be customized with photos and unlimited text

9.   Your event templates can be cloned to make posting them even easier

10.Select the “annual” option to make adding festivals, parties, open houses, etc. super easy each year

11.Each listing has an email “remind me” and social media share button for readers to utilize

